My dear friends
Thank you
For knocking on my door
And come in to my life
We met
When we were young
We were so naive
And naughty
And then
The time came
When we had to go on our own way
Our own path
Our own life
Now we meet again
After more than 20 yrs
So sudden
We don't know each other anymore
There're a lot to ask
And a lot to answer
But seems like we knew
So much
So close
All these years
I believe I know all of you
Long time ago
Caused we used to play
And had fun together
Before we moved on
We used to have a story to share
But we missed it
We cherish
We cheer
We have a history together
And now we meet
Now that we're here
Together again
It's hard to believe
Is this for real?
Yet it's true
You are here
We are here
Together again
My dear friends
I admire your courage
I appreciate your friendship
I envy your past
But no regret
Thank you friends
All of you are special to me
Everyone is special
Thank you my dear friends
Till we meet again...
- chezul
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