Friday, November 12, 2010

Teh Tarik Session with Senior Mgmt

We have to give to get? is one of the key take home points for this evening teh tarik session. He told us a story about him asking for promotion and never got it but when he listened to his boss's speech one day saying that magic statement, he stopped asking and just do his job, even more than expected, because that magic statement really changed him back then. Miracle happened after that when he received his promotion twice within a year or two. It's not about miracle but it's about what you did without asking for reward. People can and will see what you had delivered. Even if you won't get it right now, here, you have to believe that God is Great, and he'll repay sometimes later maybe not directly but indirectly in term of health, successful kids, or even afterlife. Just do good, don't expect reward, and you'll happier and deliver better result. If you keep asking, and you didn't get, definitely you'll get frustrated and your productivity deteriorated. How can you get your promotion then? Just think about it. Be patient, honest and don't expect anything extra, you'll be happy at work. I strongly believe in what he's you?

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