Monday, June 11, 2012


I cannot UNDO what had been done
I cannot COPY and PASTE to hide the mistakes
I cannot simply FIND and REPLACE words that hurt
I cannot paste SMILY when I am not happy

Can you tell my feeling based on my TWEET?
Can you understand me based on my FACEBOOK status
Can you guess where I really was and why I was there just based on my checked-ins at FOURSQUARE?

I cannot make everybody happy
I cannot force everybody to LIKE me
I cannot stop you from UNFRIEND me if you wish to

The truth is I am human
I made mistakes when I did not intend to
I said something I did not mean to say
I made unwarranted comments without realizing it

And for all of the above, I am sorry...friends forever :D

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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