Sunday, October 28, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Korban

Berkorban apa saja
Harta ataupun nyawa
Itulah tandanya
Iman dan takwa

Hari Raya Aidil Adha
Disambut umat di seluruh dunia
Bertakbir dan bertahmid kita semua
Memuji Allah yg Maha Esa

Jutaan manusia di bumi Mekah
Mengerjakan haji dan umrah
Sujud dan syukur di Kaabah
Beruntunglah mereka yg menjadi tetamu Allah di Baitullah

Dari Mekah sampai ke Madinah
Tunaikan segala ibadah
Makam Nabi diziarah
Sambil bersalawat ke atas Rasulullah

Berkorban apa saja
Sekadar yg termampu oleh kita
Itulah tandanya
Kita bersyukur kepada Nya

 Note: Pic by Hj Suhaizad TMBM (ps: semoga mendapat haji yg mabrur, amin...)

Friday, October 26, 2012

When we were young

When we were young
We did all kinds of things
All the crazy things that we could
Just for fun, nothing meaningful
We never thought of the consequences
We just do it
And we never listen
Coz we thought we knew better
But then we realised we were not
We ended up doing stupid things in life
Regret we are not
Hope it is not to late

Now we are here
We have been there, done all that
Never proud of it, a little regret
And hope not to repeat the same mistakes
We are older and wiser
Experiences taught us to be stronger
To face the future

Monday, October 01, 2012

Engagement Survey

Seronok tengok budak2 ni so creative. Diorang buat mcm2 xtvt utk menarik minat semua anggota utk participate dlm engagement survey. It's so full of enthusiasm.